Sul Sul Simmers! Welkom bij de The Sims 4 Waslijst, waar we de grootste communityproblemen delen die we momenteel onderzoeken en die we later deze maand in een aankomende patch willen oplossen.
In onze voortdurende toewijding aan het oplossen van technische uitdagingen, gebruikt ons team deze lijst om communitygerichte oplossingen te benadrukken die in de update worden opgenomen. Deze lijst markeert onze vijfde release in deze serie, die erop gericht is om de gameplay-ervaring voor onze spelers te blijven verbeteren door problemen aan te pakken die het vaakst door de community worden gemeld via AnswersHQ.
Hoewel sommige problemen mogelijk niet worden vermeld, kunnen ze nog steeds in behandeling zijn. Sommige onderwerpen kunnen een uitgebreid onderzoek van onze kant vereisen, dus zelfs als deze oplossingen actief worden beoordeeld, is het geen garantie dat we er in de aankomende patch onmiddellijk een oplossing voor hebben.
Vergeet niet om, net als bij elke nieuwe patch, externe gamemods en aangepaste content te verwijderen als je problemen ondervindt als eerste stap in het oplossen van problemen, omdat ze in conflict kunnen komen met de updates. Bedankt voor je meldingen en veel plezier met Simming!
De update wordt volgende week verwacht.
Dit is de lijst met de zorgen binnen de community die we onderzoeken voor de game-update van deze maand:
Base Game:
- [AHQ] Fixed cases of really high Bills where Lot Taxes would not only count the property value, but also add value from anything in inventories.
- [AHQ] Inspired Sim will no longer mix drinks excessively.
- [AHQ] ‘Try for baby' in the shower will now fill the Hygiene motive.
- [AHQ] Outgoing and Socially Awkward traits cannot be selected together. If one is selected, the other will appear greyed out and cannot be chosen.
- [AHQ] Female frame facial hair on Male Sims will no longer disappear.
- [AHQ] Shoes are now replaced with barefoot when a Styled Look with barefoot is applied.
- [AHQ] Neon signs no longer break due to rain.
- [AHQ] Water puddle VFX animation will no longer appear on the ground floor when a Sim is swimming on the second floor.
- [AHQ] Sim no longer has the option to give the toddler fertilizer as food from inventory.
Affecting Multiple Packs
- [AHQ] Thumbnails of Guidry and Temperance are visible in the relationship panel, Sims profile, and Manage Household panel.
- [AHQ] Knitting now counts towards Arts & Crafts for Scouting.
- [AHQ] Sims’ weight and muscle levels are now properly affected by Bike Riding, Horse Riding, Rock Climbing, and ‘Jog Here’ activities.
- [AHQ] Sim can now set the waffle/pizza oven/stand mixer for sale in a retail store.
Cats & Dogs
- [AHQ] Cats and dogs with the fire obsession perk are far less obsessed with the fireplace.
- [AHQ] Sims no longer gain fitness skill when cleaning the litter box.
City Living
- [AHQ] ‘Play with emotion’ interaction is now greyed out when the piano keyboard breaks.
Cottage Living
- [AHQ] Sims can now use Hot Pot with the Simple Living Lot Challenge.
Crystal Creations
- [AHQ] Last Exception error will no longer trigger when a ring is placed on the Mystical Moonlight Crystal Grid and the household is reloaded.
- [AHQ] Option to order Crystals is now available on the computer.
Discover University
- [AHQ] Sim with the Gym Rat trait will no longer lose hygiene while juggling a soccer ball.
- [AHQ] Frequency of getting electrocuted from Robotic Workstation has been considerably reduced.
Eco Lifestyle
- [AHQ] Roaches are removed from the dumpster after a Sim successfully performs the 'Try to clear roaches' action.
For Rent
- [AHQ] A serving of Vegetable Chili from the Pressure Cooker will no longer turn into 8 servings.
Get Together
- Clubs are now under the default section under the social groups interface.
Growing Together
- [AHQ] Fixed an issue where some Life Milestones wouldn't be achieved when the Sim is off-lot, including Milestones for a toddler Sim’s movement skill.
High School Years
- [AHQ] When Sims switch from an outfit created in Thriftea to a regular outfit, they no longer revert back to the Thriftea outfit when showering/bathing.
- [AHQ] Notification badges are no longer displayed when the phone is in silent mode and Social Bunny has notifications turned off.
Horse Ranch
- [AHQ] ‘Drink an Aged Nectar’ Want now fulfills when Sim drinks an Aged Nectar bottle.
My First Pets Stuff
- [AHQ] In new saves, Sim will no longer receive the 'Baby whisked away' moodlet and The Sims Notification System will not suggest that Rattigan passed away when Rattigan is still alive.
Snowy Escape
- [AHQ] Seaweed Ramen recipe is now available from the fridge cooking menu.
- Sim's Hygiene Motive will now increase when using a Hot Spring.
Spa Day
- [AHQ] Applied Pedicure will no longer vanish when a Manicure is requested.
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