Hi Simmers! Welkom bij de Waslijst, waar we een overzicht delen met de grootste zorgen van de community die we momenteel onderzoeken en die we hopen op te lossen in de komende patch.
De onderstaande lijst is onderdeel van onze inspanning om technische problemen aan te pakken , en wordt direct beïnvloed door de hoeveelheid community-rapporten via AnswersHQ en The Sims 4 EA Forums. We hebben nu alle bug-rapportages volledig verplaatst naar de EA Forums, dus blijf upvoten of problemen die je ervaart indienen om ons te helpen toekomstige waslijsten te vullen!
Hoewel sommige problemen hier niet worden vermeld, kunnen ze nog steeds in behandeling zijn. Sommige onderwerpen kunnen een uitgebreid onderzoek van onze kant vereisen, dus zelfs als deze oplossingen actief worden beoordeeld, is het geen garantie dat we er in de komende patch direct een oplossing voor hebben.
Zoals bij elke nieuwe patch, vergeet niet om alle externe game mods en aangepaste content te verwijderen als je problemen ervaart als eerste stap in het oplossen van problemen, omdat ze in conflict kunnen komen met de updates. Veel plezier met Simming, vadish!
Hieronder vind je een lijst met zorgen van de community die we onderzoeken voor de aankomende game-update:
Base Game:
- [EA Forums] Sims will no longer walk through the walls and flip from one place to another place.
- [EA Forums] Walls are no longer missing for the bathroom at Movers & Shakers, the Gym in Willow Creek.
- [EA Forums] Fixed spine distortion for male Sims with feminine physical frames.
- [EA Forums] Sims with the ‘Renaissance’ aspiration will no longer complete the aspirational task of ‘reach level 3 of any career’ without joining a career and reaching said level.
- [EA Forums] Fixed basements disappearing when a bigger lot is imported to a smaller lot from the library.
- [EA Forums] Jagged edges will no longer stick out of ears with gauges.
- [EA Forums] Adjusted objects that previously could not be placed next to raised platforms.
Affecting Multiple Packs
- [EA Forums] Thriftea bubble tea counter in the Thriftea shop will have an NPC vendor properly tend to it.
- [EA Forums] Household funds should not differ depending on how households are being placed from the gallery. No more households importing with negative Simoleons.
- [EA Forums] Specific full body outfits will no longer result in body shape changes.
Cottage Living
- [EA Forums] 'Grim Reaper arrival for the Chickens' Notification is no longer triggered when 'Animal Aging' is disabled.
- [EA Forums] ‘Pumpkin Conserve’ option in the canning menu is now available for any color of pumpkins.
Discover University
- [EA Forums] Early graduated teen Sims who enrolled in University can now tutor.
Get Famous
- [EA Forums] New Sims will no longer start with negative fame and their celebrity reputation is displayed correctly in the Simology panel.
- [EA Forums] Hair and Makeup Chair will not cause any facial distortions for Sims when changing hair styles.
High School Years
- [EA Forums] Teen Sims who are followed to school by the player and returned back home will be able to post about all recent events to the Social Bunny app.
Home Chef Hustle
- [EA Forums] ‘Convince to buy’ interaction will no longer serve as an invitation for an NPC Sim to enter your Sim’s house.
Nifty Knitting
- [EA Forums] Fixed action queue issue for ‘Resume knitting’.
- [EA Forums] Sims moving from one rocking chair to another can now ‘Resume knitting’ without a routing error.
- [EA Forums] Route fail is no longer triggered when Sim stands and performs ‘Resume knitting project’ for beanies, socks and hanging plant holders.
- [EA Forums] Sims will stop performing the knitting animation after canceling the interaction.
- [EA Forums] Child Sims should not perform the ‘make a mess’ interaction continuously.
Snowy Escape
- [EA Forums] Active lifestyles no longer appear grayed out in the lifestyles UI screen.
Reactie plaatsen